Studio Lee Albert Hill

Working in various methods of applying acrylic paint on canvas, Lee Albert Hill's work is in part a consideration of formalist abstract patterns. Upon closer inspection though, a sense of layered storytelling is also revealed through symbiology, musical rhythm, history, and fluid modern culture.

Each painting is also based on Hill's everyday observations in combination with personal eccentricities and intricately embedded details. His work is often a reflection of mark making across the landscape as seen high above from the air or looking out to the wonder of the cosmos.

Lee Albert Hill is a Texas based painter, architect and writer who has worked from his studio in Fort Worth for more than twenty-five years. Born in Dallas, he holds a five-year professional degree in Architecture from the Texas Tech University Huckabee School of Architecture. In addition to his work as an architect he is regular contributor to Texas Architect Magazine. Represented in Texas by the William Campbell Gallery in Fort Worth, his paintings are held in public and private collections such as the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, American Airlines, Dublin Ireland's TIFCO Hotel Group and SAMTX Investments in Austin, Texas. His work is also included in many individual client collections throughout Texas, California, Colorado, New York, and New Mexico.

Featured above "Cosmic Water in Three Obrounds" Acrylic on Canvas Over Panel, 48"x36". Part of the current exhibition "Cosmic Hymn - Not the Non Existent" at the UT Tyler Meadows Gallery, Tyler, Texas August 26 - October 18, 2024